Tired of chubby cheeks? But if you want to lose cheek fat, you have no choice but to lose all the fat. You need to exercise and eat a healthy diet. At the same time, let’s do facial muscle exercises so that we can lose face fat.
- Drinking plenty of water is the most important thing
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay If you don’t drink enough water, your body may stagnate and your cheeks will swell. The simple explanation for this phenomenon is that the body is trying to store as much water as possible due to a lack of water. Especially when you are dehydrated, excess moisture is stored around your cheeks and around your eyes, causing your face to swell. You should try to drink at least 9 glasses of 230 ml each day. This will help prevent swelling of the cheeks along with the signs of dehydration. For those seeking a more immediate solution to combat dehydration-related symptoms or promote overall well-being, services like Nashville IV therapy can offer a convenient and effective option. These therapies can provide targeted hydration and essential nutrients directly to the body, aiding in quicker rehydration and potentially reducing the risk of cheek swelling and other signs of dehydration.
- Reduce salt and sugar intake.
Image by monicore from Pixabay This is because if your diet contains too much-refined sugar and salt, you are more prone to water retention in your body. This has the same effect as not drinking a lot of water. That’s why excess moisture builds up around the eyes and cheeks, causing swelling of the face. Of course, you can’t completely cut out sugar and salt, but cutting some salty and sweet foods from your diet can help. Try eating low-fat meats instead of salty ones, and if you are craving sweets, enjoy the natural sweetness of ripe fruit and avoid sugar in cookies, cookies, and cupcakes.
- Alcohol should be avoided.
Avoiding alcohol is something you should do for your health, but it will also help you lose belly fat. And by not drinking alcohol, your body is energized, you don’t feel bloated, and you can avoid headaches. In addition, drinking alcohol dehydrates your body, which can lead to water retention and swelling of your face. Also, as you gain weight overall, you may have more cheek fat. Drinking alcohol has the same effect as eating empty calories full of sugar. Drinking herbal teas or natural fruit smoothies instead of alcoholic beverages can help.
- Enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.
Image by silviarita from Pixabay Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can help you maintain a healthy diet and also help you lose belly fat. Fruits and vegetables are inherently high in water content, so they can help keep you hydrated and prevent puffy cheeks. It’s also high in fiber, which keeps you full and helps you avoid snacking unnecessarily.
- You should eat more high-calcium foods.
Image by Comfreak from Pixabay Getting calcium from dairy products like milk or yogurt can also help you lose weight. Consuming more calcium may also help prevent water build-up on your face. This means that swelling of the face can be avoided. Avoid high-carb foods and eat low-fat foods.
- Chewing gum can help you lose weight on your cheeks.
Image by Yuliya Yuliya from Pixabay Repeated chewing exercises strengthen the jaw muscles. Plus, it doesn’t feel like you’re exercising, making it more comfortable. Chew gum only for a few minutes after each meal. Be careful, though, as chewing gum too long or too often can cause jaw pain.
- Let’s do an “e-o” exercise.
This exercise involves saying “e-o” at least 15 times. Take a break and do 3 sets of this exercise. This is a simple yet effective way to strengthen the jaw muscles by allowing the jaw to perform two different movements. This exercise is especially good because it can be done anytime and anywhere.
- Try to open your mouth.
Open your mouth wide and round and try holding that position for a few seconds. After that, relax the jaw muscles and repeat the same movement 9 more times to do a total of 10 jaw muscle exercises. Doing this exercise 3 times a day will help. If you do this exercise too much at once, your jaw may hurt, so be careful.
- Try a ball lift. Try to raise the ball as high as possible towards your eyes. Raising the corner of the mouth naturally raises the cheeks, so it is easy to understand using this. It makes for a slightly uncomfortable and awkward smile. Closing your eyes here will help you lift the ball even more. Raise both cheeks for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat.
- Let’s try to make the lips “right” shape. And try to smile while maintaining this state. Hold the smile for 10 seconds, then return to the original position and repeat to see the effect.
- Try to inflate the cheeks.
Image by M W from Pixabay Close your mouth and try to fill the inside with air. After that, try to move the air in your mouth to one cheek as slowly and consciously as possible. After doing this movement of moving both cheeks about 10 times, you can continue the exercise by refilling with air as needed. It is recommended to repeat this exercise three times a day.
- Try to smile.
Smiling also works your facial muscles. Plus, it can help you stay focused on the ball. After you smile to yourself, wait 10 seconds, then return to the original state and repeat 10 times. Or try to smile more than usual. This will also help you maintain your confidence and positive thinking.
- Do a ball massage after exercise. After exercising the facial muscles, use your fingers to massage the chin and cheeks in a circular motion. This will relieve the tension in your muscles and help you manage post-workout pain.
- Practice eating healthy and exercising. If you want to lose cheek fat, you have no choice but to lose the overall weight. Many people actually experience facial fat loss after losing a few kilos. If you want to lose weight, you need to improve your diet and start exercising again. Make sure you eat three balanced meals a day, eat a few servings of fruits and vegetables each day, and get healthy carbohydrates and protein.
- Let’s practice strength training. Go to the gym and try lifting dumbbells or using a machine to do strength training. Or, you can do a full-body workout at home. Strength training helps strengthen the overall muscles of your body. And the more muscle you have, the easier it is to burn fat.