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Dwarf Willow is the Smallest Tree

There are thousands of tree species in the world like Dwarf Willow. People have been using them in everyday life for a long time. They serve as decor, are used for protection from wind and soil leaching, for medical purposes. Once upon a time, a man hid in the trees from predators, and now he decorates gardens with them. The role of trees is incredibly important for nature as a whole. However, almost everyone is interested in the huge representatives of this world, undeservedly overlooking the smallest – the dwarf willow.

Dwarf willow – the smallest tree in the world

This variety has many subspecies, and the main part has chosen a rather harsh growing area. You can find such a willow outside the Arctic Circle, it also loves the highlands. Even the alpine cold is not terrible for her. Scientists have repeatedly discovered a tree at an altitude of over 3000 meters.

In the United States of America, the dwarf willow can be found in most of the states. All members of the family fell in love with humid places, so they grow mainly along the coastal strip. They are not afraid of the presence of surf, and the beauty of the smallest trees is so loved by many gardeners that they have been noticed by landscape designers. Now dwarf willows are used to create miniature hedges and decorate rock gardens. The main advantage of the tree over others is its resistance to frost. Even a thick layer of snow will not freeze.

Dwarf willow

The tree can be found not only in wet areas. He is able to grow on a rocky slope, among cracked rocks, and he really likes limestone. Excessively acidic or salty soils are not a hindrance at all.

Distinctive features of the species

The vegetation process in representatives of the species varies depending on the climatic zone. Alpine dwarf willows open their buds by April, the growing season in other subspecies begins later. The main external distinguishing features were young shoots, as well as the size of the trunk. For example, a small tree growing in the northern Urals shows shoots 25 centimeters long.

Its Khibiny congener is called spherical willow. It does not have such long shoots, and its brothers from the Alps are tiny at all. For protection, they need fluff, which is located at the very stem of the leaf, and it lasts quite a long time. A common feature of all small trees in this family is very poor growth. The representatives of the northern Urals are distinguished by the highest degree of adaptation. It takes them only 3 years to reach the same value as the Khibiny brothers, on which they will spend 11 years. Dwarf willow is a pest-resistant tree. She doesn’t even care about the lack of food, so she can be called one of the most unpretentious.

What is the height of the smallest tree in the world

Usually the tree grows no more than 2 centimeters in height. Its rarest representatives are capable of reaching 7 centimeters. That is why dwarf willows are often mistaken for grass. The diameter of the leaves of a tree rarely exceeds 2 centimeters.

How important is the smallest tree in the world for nature

Some of the most common places for dwarf willow are:

  • areas covered with moss;
  • rocks;
  • priming.

Each tree strives to grow as close to its relatives as possible. This mechanism, conceived by nature, helps them keep warm by keeping them warm. The smallest tree in the world has a fairly simple but important role. It is eaten by insects, birds, animals. Thanks to its ability to regenerate, the tree quickly grows again, so it is always enough. It serves to protect insects from the wind, birds use the stalks to build nests.

How people use dwarf willow

The Japanese love bonsai because they can be grown in a regular flower pot. However, the growing procedure is very complicated.

Dwarf willow

It will take a lot of time and effort. The process involves adherence to the “hilling” technology. The tree needs to cut the roots, form the crown, create depleted soil, water it to a limited extent, create the most close conditions. You will have to take care of the willow constantly:

  • it is necessary to cut off old branches;
  • pinch new layers;
  • carefully cut off excess shoots;
  • use other bonsai techniques.

Such a treatment for a dwarf willow becomes a real test. However, the cost per copy can be exorbitant. Only a few manage to achieve a high level of skill, therefore the work of craftsmen is highly valued.

What are dwarf willows

In fact, the smallest tree in the world has more than a dozen varieties. Many botanists argue about the classification of trees. For example, in addition to the smallest (grassy), there is a creeping. It is a hardy plant that prefers treeless tundra and arctic cold areas. The shrub is characterized by long branches, each of which can reach one and a half meters. He has no side shoots. Such a willow can reach over 30 centimeters. She perfectly survives cold, wet, unpretentious care and takes root on poor soils. A characteristic feature of the creeping willow is poor reproduction. For several years she can root one branch, and gardeners note that even a good pressure does not help. Even in many cases, a successful grafting technique does not bring the desired result.

smallest tree

Alpine and rock willows are very beautiful. The first is distinguished by small leaves, dense branches. Rocky has larger leaves, sparse branches growing chaotically. Gray leaves look extremely interesting, bringing a variety of colors to the usual garden.

The shaggy willow leaves turn yellow between October and November. This is an amazing species of dwarf trees, because it can grow up to 3 meters. However, most grow to only 50 centimeters in height. A clear pattern can be traced here: small trees grow successfully, despite the harsh climatic conditions, but they become squat. That is why their smallest representative can really be considered tiny, because he has to grow where most plants will not survive. Shaggy willow, like grassy willow, can grow successfully in a pot. It is perfect for all gardeners who love oriental themes.

Shaggy willow

The opposite-leaved willow is a native of Korea. It also grows in the Japanese islands. Feels good in the conditions of the Russian winter. She especially enjoys resting under the snow. The shrub is characterized by long, green-gray leaves. It needs special care, but pleases the eye with the rounded shape of the leaves, which is the most delicate miracle. Even without regular shearing, the plant begins to turn into a very bizarre creation.

Alternatives to the smallest tree in the world

Among the smallest trees in the world, not only grassy willow can be an excellent option for creating a rock garden. An ideal replacement is the small-fruited joster. The plant is characterized by miniature forms and thick, twisted trunks. Joster suits very well with light stones, on which he creates a contrast effect. The flowering period is characterized by the appearance of round fruits. The plant itself is inconspicuous and even inconspicuous. However, the joster complements the others well. Reproduction takes place with the help of seeds that need stratification. Like willow trees, the joster is resistant to cold weather. He needs to constantly receive sunlight and grow in normal humidity. Limestone soils are quite suitable.

Alternate to smallest tree

Among the smallest trees in the world, the small-leaved elm stands out. Its varieties Frosty and Hokkaido are great, but they are afraid of many diseases. They freeze out during winters, reproduce with difficulty. The situation is even worse for the Geisha variety, while such an elm more than compensates for its whimsical appearance with a spectacular look. Two-bladed ginkgo is suitable for landing on a slide. Recommended for landing at low heights. In winter it should be covered with snow, in spring it should be pruned.

Finally, attention can be drawn to the rhododendron. Of all the existing, the smallest in the world is the attractive rhododendron. All representatives can grow up to 80 centimeters, but an attractive rhododendron rarely exceeds 30 centimeters. Flowering occurs in May. An interesting color palette has become a feature of rhododendron. It can be light lilac and even bright purple. The flowers are neat, the bushes have a delightful dark green hue. Rhododendron prefers to grow on rocky soil, loves moisture, cool air. She tolerates a group landing quite well.

Rock garden

For a rock garden, a harsh-haired rhododendron is also suitable. The so-called pillows have become a characteristic feature of it, and the plant can grow up to 40 centimeters in height. It retains rich, dark green foliage all year round, preferring to stay in the shade. From time to time, the bush needs to receive sunlight, then it will grow more abundantly. The coarse-haired rhododendron, nicknamed the alpine rose, is unpretentious to soil conditions. Among the smallest trees in the world, the Caucasian rhododendron is considered the oldest. It is characterized by squat, dense branches, blooms with the onset of May. Beautiful white flowers are pleasing to the eye, but if a warm, lingering autumn comes out, then in spring the flowering will occur slowly. The Yakushiman variety, which was brought from Japan about 100 years ago, is very popular. But this variety can no longer be called dwarf,

Nature gives us various miracles. Small, almost tiny trees, which find their refuge among the harshest conditions in the world, have become a clear proof of this and at the same time a real treasure of nature.

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