There are tens or even thousands of different types of trees on our planet and many most expensive wood species in the world. The wood of some of them is a very valuable species with a high cost. These are mainly exotic breeds growing in Africa, South America, India, Madagascar. Most are endemic and do not grow anywhere else in the world. They are rare species, and their price can be more expensive than gold. Valuable wood is used to make luxury furniture, exclusive musical instruments, and expensive accessories. Many species are on the verge of extinction, so their populations are protected by the state. As a rule, valuable wood has special properties, for example, dense structure, absence of annual rings. Unusual appearance attracts connoisseurs of original things,
Table of Contents
Top 10 most expensive Wood species in the world
- Ebon is black “gold”.
- Grenadil is a precious resource.
- Agar has excellent aromatic properties.
- Sandalwood is a favorite plant of the Chinese emperors.
- Umnini is pink ivory.
- Backout – the unique properties of the resin.
- Rosewood is a wonderful purple hue.
- Amaranth is a beautiful color.
- Zebrano – original tones.
- Bubinga is a material for musical instruments.
Moon Ebony – Many varieties of valuable wood
Moon Ebony One of the most expensive wood in the world is ebony. This is a type of tropical plants common in Africa, South Asia, India, Ceylon. The inside is very hard and heavy. It is so heavy that it sinks in water. Only the core is appreciated, the outer layer – sapwood – is removed, since it has low characteristics. There are several varieties of ebony. Moreover, all varieties are valuable. They have slightly different characteristics. Types of ebony trees:
- Cameroon
- Ceylon
- Madagascar
- Macassar
- Munsky
- Lunar
Cameroon is the most popular variety of ebony. It has a rich black core. This rock is characterized by well-defined pores on the cut surface. Of all the varieties of ebony, this is the cheapest, although it is expensive compared to other less valuable species. Madagascar ebony has a brown tint, finely porous structure. Ceylon ebony is highly valued, it is very dense, the pores on the surface are not noticeable. The Makassar breed is called Flame because of its specific color. Light and brown streaks are visible against the deep black background, which creates the sensation of bursts of flame. It is supplied from Indonesia. Munsky is similar to the Makassar breed. It is mined in Laos, Vietnam.
Grenadil is an expensive African plant
Grenadil is another wood species, one of the most expensive wood in the world. It belongs to the genus Dahlbergia of the legume family. It also has names: African ebony, mpingo. Grenadil is distributed in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique. The core is a deep black tone, sometimes with a reddish tint.
This variety has long been highly valued. Musical instruments were made from it, since grenadil is distinguished by high acoustic properties. It is also used to make elite furniture and accessories. Due to poaching, the grenadilla population has decreased, now the plant is under protection. The Dahlbergia genus includes such valuable breeds as the cocobolo, which has a stunning cherry hue, and the baia, whose core has a pleasant pink tone.
Agar is a valuable aphrodisiac
Agarwood belongs to the genus Aquilaria. This is a species of woody plants of the Wolf family. It is also known by the names:
- scarlet
- eagle
- heavenly
- Kalambak
It grows in tropical forests. It is an evergreen plant that loves a humid climate. More than 10 species of this tree are known. It has long been mined to obtain a valuable aromatic substance. Its wood is impregnated with resins. In the East, these resins are among the most expensive fragrances. They are used for the manufacture of perfumes and medicines. Expensive furniture and decorations are made of wood.
Sandalwood – precious red heart
Sandalwood, from the Pterocarpus genus, is one of the most expensive wood in the world. Its habitat is the tropical part of Asia, Ceylon. Its core, which has a beautiful reddish tint, is considered a valuable resource. These are small woody plants, reaching 8 meters in height.
Sandalwood reproduces very slowly and is therefore it is also one of the most expensive wood in the universe. Its wood has been a precious species since the Middle Ages. It was used to make furniture for Chinese emperors. There is a black market in Asian countries where sandalwood can be purchased at high prices.
Umnini – material for jewelry
Umnini is one of the most beautiful tree species in the world. This is a plant from the Krushinov family. It is also known by the names: pink ivory, pink bone, umgoloti. It grows in Mozambique, Zimbabwe. This is a beautiful evergreen plant up to 15 meters tall. It has an edible fruit. The umni core is very heavy, dense, in addition, it has a stunning bright pink color.
It is used to make jewelry and luxury accessories. Sometimes clever wood is called pink ivory, as its properties are closer to bone than to woody texture. This breed is the most expensive wood and highly prized among the African Zulu people; only the chief and his family can wear products made from it.
Rosewood is an expensive finishing material
Rosewood belongs to the Dahlbergia genus. From 100 to 3000 tree species are united under this name. They are common in many places in the world: South America, Africa, South Asia, Madagascar. Rosewood comes in a variety of colors, from beige and chocolate to terracotta. There are unusual purple shades, as well as various dark blotches against the background of the main light tone. Rosewood is also one of the expensive wood and highly price wood in the world.
The most common species are: Indian, Amazonian rosewood, Brazilian rosewood, violet jacaranda. All breeds are quite expensive. They go to the production of high quality parquet flooring, musical instruments, interior items. It is also used for home decoration, decoration of VIP-class premises.
Amaranth – the most unusual color
Amaranth is an incredibly beautiful tree species of the Peltogin genus. It is one of the most gorgeous plant colors in the world. The core is painted in a rich purple hue, which looks great in the decoration of furniture, various accessories.
It has increased wear resistance, impact resistance, and water resistance. Also, amaranth is called a purple heart, perplhart, purple tree. This breed is endangered due to excessive logging.
Zebrano is the most exotic color
Zebrano is one of the most exotic breeds and most expensive wood in the world. It belongs to the genus Microberlinia. Growth area: Congo, Cameroon, Gabon. Its popularity was promoted by the natural properties of wood: high strength, original colors. The core part has a beautiful golden hue, on which narrow dark chocolate-colored stripes are clearly distinguished.
It resembles the color of a zebra, which is why the plant got its name. Fibers often have a fibrous structure, which creates certain difficulties in the manufacture of products. Zebrano is not a leader in terms of value, but it is quite expensive compared to other breeds. It is used for interior decoration, interior cladding of luxury cars, and production of accessories.
Backout is a valuable medicine
Backout is one of the most expensive wood species of woody plants, currently under the protection of the state. This guaiac tree is common in South Asia, Australia. In Latin, its name means “tree of life”. This is due to the fact that the resin has valuable properties. It is used medicinally to treat many diseases. Also, the bakout is called the green heart, iron and holy tree. The core of the tree of life is so dense that it sinks in water. It is 3 times harder than oak. It is also one of the most beautiful breeds in the world. Backout has very interesting combinations of shades: greenish tones are interspersed with reds, blacks, which creates a unique composition.
Previously, wood was used in shipbuilding, the production of luxury furniture. The core part has such strong characteristics that it was used for the manufacture of ship elements, which are made mainly of iron. For example, bearings, parts of propeller shafts for submarines were made from the backout. It was also used to produce elements for watch movements that are under heavy load. The backout emits natural resins, so the parts of the mechanism do not need to be lubricated. The extraordinary strength is evidenced by the fact that earlier the tree was used to make such items as mortars, pestles, beaters. The popularity of the backout has led to its excessive use. Therefore, now its felling has been suspended in order to replenish resources.
Bubinga – a precious finishing material
Bubinga is a tree of the Guibortia species from the legume family which is also one of the most expensive wood family. It grows in Africa and South America, in tropical regions. Bubinga has many other names: akume, ebana, essingang, kevasingo, uaka. In total, 16 species are combined under this group of plants. The bubinga kernel is very beautiful. Its feature is the constant change in the growth of fibers, which results in a wavy texture. Growth rings are well distinguished, which gives the texture color.
Shades can be different, in red colors. Basically, the background is red-brown, there may be stripes of purple, marsala. Bubinga is traditionally used for making guitars, harps, drums. It is also used to trim the internal parts of Lexus and BMW cars. High strength allows the material to be used for the production of knife handles, hunting bows. The large size of the core makes it possible to make solid tabletops from it.
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